Tag Archives: ocean

Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition


It was a warm afternoon at the beach when out of nowhere, this scenery started to form outside the small hut where I was trying to doze off. I had to point my camera at it before it disappears 😀


Batanes 2013.. The sun setting, the diamonds it created on the water, the curtain and the door framing the beautiful scene outside.. my entry for the Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition

Weekly Photo Challenge: Merge


I went back to my hometown couple of years ago and can’t help but take pictures of the exact places i used to hangout when I was a child. I even went back to my old school and took pictures of a deserted looking place because it was summer and school’s out. This photo I’m posting for the Weekly Photo Challenge: Merge was taken from the park we usually play. I took the time waiting for the sun to actually set until the orange surrounding was slowly overcome by dusk.

Evolution of man

Merge because I was able take pictures of the people who were actually taking a bath when the sun started to set, then decided it was time to go home and when they emerge from the water, they showcased this amazing “evolution of man” formation.